Thursday, May 15, 2008

Little Robin Redbreast Sat Upon a Rail

Little Robin Readbreast
Sat upon a rail.
Niddle, naddle went his head;
Wiggle, waggle went his tail.

Little Polly Flinders

Little Polly Flinders
Sat among the cinders,
Warming her pretty little toes.

Her mother came and caught her,
And whipped her little daughter
For spoiling her nice new clothes.

Little Poll Parrot

Little Poll Parrot
Sat in his garret
Eating toast and tea;
A little brown mouse
Jumped into the house,
And stole it all away.

Little Nancy Etticoat

Little Nancy Etticoat
In a white petticoat,
And a red nose.
The longer she stands
The shorter she grows.

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner
Sat in a corner,
Eating a mincemeat pie.
He stuck in his thumb
And pulled out a plum,
And said, "What a good boy am I!"

Little Bunny Foo Foo

Little Bunny Foo Foo
hoppin' through the forest,
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said: Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you three chances, and if you keep it up,
I'll turn you into a goon. Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:
Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you two more chances, and if you do that again,
I'll turn you into a goon.
Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:
Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And now I'll give you one more chance, and if you keep it up,
I'll turn you into a goon. Little Bunny Foo Foo
kept hoppin' through the forest,
kept scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
And down came the Blue Fairy, and she said:
Little Bunny FooFoo
I don't want to see you
scoopin' up the field mice
and boppin' em on the head.
You disobeyed me three times, so now I'm gonna turn you into a GOON!